Artis Visio Design

Create Your architectural space




CONCRETE Sinks & bathroom accessories

CONCRETE Flowerpots and lawns

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beton architektoniczny w kuchni


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Kafelek O nas

About us

kafelek płytki

3D Concrete Tiles

Blat betonowy

Countertops & Windowsills

Concrete furniture facades

Concrete furniture facades

Artis Visio – Producer of architectural concrete


It is often referred to as decorative concrete or structural concrete, it is a search for all areas of application. We see its place in strictly constructional products, the area of ​​finishing, lighting, small architecture as well as detail and sculpture. This is not only a collection of wall claddings, such as decorative concrete slabs, elevation slabs, a collection of decorative tiles – in an unprecedented 3D form that guarantees surprising visual effects. You will find pots made of concrete, solid and functional concrete furniture and elements of small architecture adorning streets or city parks. Most of our activities are the production of non-standard elements. Architectural concrete thanks to its specificity we can shape freely, responding to individualized and ambitious projects. See how we do it. Click now!

We know that architectural concrete, in architecture and design, is gaining more and more popularity. This unique decorative material is an extremely characteristic material, allowing us to give an individual image of space, and our practice in the field of interior design allows us to use the concrete potential hidden in concrete. Architectural concrete has its supporters and opponents, it is often extremely judged, but its conscious use will always be noticed and admired.

kafelek płyty ścienne

Concrete wall panels

płyty ścienne z betonu architektonicznego

Concrete claddings

płyty betonowe na podłodze

Floor & patio slabs

Betonowe blaty, umywalki i parapety

Washbasins & Sinks

kafelek schody

Concrete stairs

kafelek donice

Plant pots

Bespoke products

Bespoke products

Years at concrete market

Completed Orders

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color and finish

concrete slabs

concrete wall and floor tiles

concrete pots

concrete stairs

What’s nice about concrete is that it looks unfinished.

  Zaha Hadid


Artis Visio designs space and architecture from architectural concrete. We create good things, make dreams and implement our clients’ ideas. We use our own, patented solutions in the production GRC concrete. The material obtained in the technological process allows to shape it freely, realizing the most demanding design.

Concrete design News

Architectural concrete is a term that in the area of ​​design and architecture, has been gaining more and more popularity for several years. It is applicable both in wall claddings, facade panels, as well as in furniture, tops, furniture concrete fronts, bathroom fittings, small architecture, concrete fronts, or even in small decorative objects. However, this is a purely aesthetic concept, behind which different material technologies stand, having a huge significance for the possibilities of creation, and having very different strength and utility parameters.


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