Spring = pots, and if pots are concrete Artis Visio 🙂
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Voglio, architectural concrete concree washbasins The technological possibilities of GRC architectural concrete allow us to produce a wide range of concrete washbasins, troughs, washbasins combined with a concrete top, shower trays . Product description...
Płytki betonowe model TZARA to jeden z naszych najbardziej rozpoznawalnych produktów z betonu architektonicznego 3d. Stworzony w 2011 roku wzór, od razu został dobrze przyjęty wśród inwestorów i architektów. Do dnia dzisiejszego zaskakuje oryginalnością, ciągle świeżym designem i możliwościami wzorniczymi.
Płytki betonowe Rivall to doskonały przykład innowacyjnego wzornictwa i pomysłowości. Model płytki ściennej Rivall przypomina kształtem bok heksagonu, lub wręcz często dosłownie bumerang.
Wzory płytek ściennych płytek betonowych wykonane zostały w technologii, betonu architektonicznego GRC. To technologia dająca bardzo wysokiej wytrzymałości materiał. Dzięki temu płytki ścienne dekoracyjne Artis Visio, posiadają minimalne grubości podstawy.
Model płytki jest inspirowany projektem pochodzącego z Barcelony, sławnego na cały świat architekta Antonio Gaudiego. Jego unikalny styl, wpisujący się w historię wzornictwa i architektury, ciągle wzbudza zachwyt. Uwielbienie do motywów organicznych, roślinnych, inspiracja przyrodą, roślinnością, znalazły odbicie również w zaprojektowanym elemencie.
Pochodzące z nowej kolekcji Artis Visio. Jest to płaska płytka dekoracyjna z betonu architektonicznego o charakterystycznym rysunkiem przecinających się linii prostych na powierzchni.
architectural concrete by artis visio CROCO concrete tile An interesting proposal, a concrete tile that gives you the ability to create systems with high regularity and order, as well as to emphasize wall tectonics strongly. Conscious use of the space between...
Płytki betonowe La Rambla Puro, to wersja do zastosowań ściennych i posadzkowych. To beton architektoniczny z jego doskonałymi parametrami technologicznymi nadaje płytce uniwersalność zastosowań. Płytka La Rambla Puro to niejako czysty, pozbawiony ornamentu odpowiednik, choć nieco mniejsza. Jest elementem o grubości zaledwie 1 cm, a tym samym odpowiednikiem płytek ceramicznych. Dzięki temu może być doskonałą alternatywą płytek ceramicznych wszędzie tam gdzie w projekcie mamy je wpisane.
Inspiracją stworzenia tego wzoru były lata dzieciństwa, przygoda z modelowaniem i pierwszymi własnoręcznie wykonanymi „statkami” powietrznymi. Współcześnie, skojarzenia biegną bliżej kulturom azjatyckim, kochającym wszystko co lekkie i szybujące po niebie. Podobnie jak kiedyś polskie dzieci kleiły swoje model, Pero jest lekka w wyrazie, zainspirowana niebem usłanym latawcami.
Pochodzące z nowej kolekcji Artis Visio. Jest to płaska płytka dekoracyjna z betonu architektonicznego o charakterystycznym rysunkiem przecinających się linii prostych na powierzchni.
Polish crafted product, Artis Visio Architectural Concrete, ready-to-use and custom-made products, also large and complex dimensions. Quick valuation, delivery, assembly and warranty for the whole country and abroad. We invite 😉 Crafted in Poland - Artis Vision team...
architectural concrete by artis visio L shape running boards The construction of concrete steps with architectural concrete gives the monolithic effect of concrete stairs. In this solution, the tread and riser are one element. They are applied to pour monolithic...
architectural concrete by artis visio rise and landing concrete system We carry out projects with typical and unusual solutions. The simplest and most classic solution is the construction of concrete stair elements as a tread and riser - independent cladding. ...
architectural concrete by artis visio wall slabs We create architectural concrete using modern technologies, knowingly retaining the traditional elements of material production. Thanks to this, we obtain the effect of authenticity and uniqueness in interior...
architectural concrete by artis visio vintage slabs Architectural concrete with Vintage finish, we create using modern technologies and natural aging and maturing processes. Thanks to this, we obtain the effect of authenticity and uniqueness of the material....
architectural concrete by artis visio Flexo 5 panelsAre you looking for solutions combining an authentic architectural concrete product, wall or cladding plates, lightweight and maintaining minimum thickness? Flexo 5 board is the answer. It is a combination of...
Polish crafted product, Artis Visio Architectural Concrete, ready-to-use and custom-made products, also large and complex dimensions. Quick valuation, delivery, assembly and warranty for the whole country and abroad. We invite 😉 Crafted in Poland - Artis Vision team...
concrete facades cladding slabs 18mm Our boards are ready for specific architectural applications on ventilated facades. The power ribbon has excellent performance and performance. product description Concrete Artis Visio concrete slabs. Thanks to...
concrete facades cladding slabs 11mm This is an excellent application of architectural concrete on facades insulated in a traditional way. This material, thanks to the use in the manufacturing process, of the British Power Spray technology has excellent...
architectural concrete by artis visio cladding panelFlexo 5mmThe Flexo 5 panels, in its technical properties, due to the production of concrete mixtures with high technical parameters, shows a full frost resistance. In addition, internally reinforced with glass...
architectural concrete by artis visio GRC concrete countertops Concrete GRC architectural concrete table tops from Voglio are the only solution that guarantees a high level of product aesthetics and naturalness of concrete combined with lightness and technical...
architectural concrete by artis visio indoor & outdoor windowsills Architectural concrete window sills can be a perfect complement to interior design, not only modern and classic, and the finishing and coloring methods give many possibilities of creating. GRC...
Architectural concrete by Artis Visio bespoke planters The external concrete building project in the modern world has become, apart from utility values, a determinant of the value of projects and products. Thanks to technologies from GRC architectural concrete,...
architectural concrete by artis visio planter IVO architectural plant pots model IVO, is a family of 3 elements in various dimensional combinations, different heights. They are based on a rectangle and are one of the most-bought items in our collection of flower pots....
Architectural concrete by artis visio planter LOFT We create architectural concrete using modern technologies, knowingly retaining the traditional elements of material production. Thanks to this, we obtain the effect of the authenticity and uniqueness of the...
architectural concrete by artis visio planter CUBE The CUBE plant pot is a very grateful and square model. The basic element of the pot is 60/60/60 cm. Like all elements, technology allows it to be used indoors as well as outdoors. product description...
Architectural concrete by artis visio planter LINEAR We create architectural concrete using modern technologies, knowingly retaining the traditional elements of material production. Thanks to this, we obtain the effect of the authenticity and uniqueness of the...
architectural concrete by artis visio planter Fiore The Fiore plant pot is a set of interacting elements with a square base, and the conical shape of the altitude. The architectural concrete used for the production of Artis Visio pots is ideal for indoor and...
architectural concrete by artis visio planter PARK Pots made of GRC architectural concrete, due to the possibility of forming and resistance to weather conditions, are becoming an increasingly popular and popular element of street furniture. Perfectly...
architectural concrete by artis visio floor slabs We create architectural concrete using modern technologies, knowingly retaining the traditional elements of material production. Thanks to this, we obtain the effect of authenticity and uniqueness in interior...
Płyty tarasowe Artis Visio, pasują do każdego rodzaju aranżacji tarasów, zarówno domów prywatnych, jak i budynków użyteczności publicznej. Możliwe jest wyprodukowanie elementów, które dzięki swojej gładkiej powierzchni są łatwe w utrzymaniu czystości.
We present the implementation of kitchen furniture with the use of our architectural concrete. Porous concrete furniture facades, made of natural architectural concrete, 6mm thick, manufactured for system doors and furniture facades. Kitchen arragement have gained a...
architectural concrete by artis visio Kitchen furniture facade system We have created a system solution for the furniture products sector, combining living architectural concrete with assembly elements typical of furniture solutions and gives the possibility of...
architectural concrete by artis visio concrete door system for cabinets wardrobe A unique and amazing solution that allows you to introduce the breath of modernity and design into your interior. It is possible to use in full panels as well as independent doors....
Primeiro. Exclusive wall tile, made of solid oak, glued. The natural beauty of the oak, was emphasized by the finishing by oiling.
3D wood tile SEGONDO The oak wood, after the treatment with highly advanced carpentry technologies, is subjected to polishing and oiling. Product Description Plate segondo - another from a collection of unique designs, wooden wall tiles made of...
3d wood tile TERCIO Tercio tile - made of solid oak wood, wall tile in the form of a pentagon with & nbsp; concave relief. Delicate form, nice size, and way of assembling elements, product description Tercio tile- made of solid oak wood,...
Płytka Quarto – to wyjątkowy ornament znany z motywów organicznych prac Antonio Gaudiego, spotykanych często w przestrzeni jego rodzinnej Barcelony.